Blind Loyalty Challenge with Aaron Dauphinee, Chief Marketing Officer at The Wise Marketer Group.
This insightful 13-minute challenge is definitely worth a listen and covers:
✅ Retail industry that is responsive to loyalty: “Clothing and footwear retailers & apparel.” A shoutout to Nike and the different interactions that they have created for customers such as using gelocation to only stock the colours and types of shoes that customers in that area are looking to buy.
✅ A big challenge in launching a loyalty programme: “Setting realistic expectations about customer’s behavioural change and what that looks like over time, and managing those expectations correctly.”
✅ Data privacy and are companies doing enough to protect data: “It depends on location, some are doing it very well and others are not, based on the legislation rules in their region. As loyalty marketers, we need to do better and protect the consumer first.”
Watch our #blindloyaltychallenge for loyalty insights with Aaron 💡